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Camp Errors: Day 2

We had another packed day of rehearsals, classes, and preparations for the South East Theatre Conference. Here are some of the highlights from today:

We spent some time learning about Laban Effort Shapes, bringing some focus to the physical work of our play.

Any time we have a chance to explore physicality, the Clown Princes end up in some strange poses. It's also worth noting Julia's delight and Lydia's contortions upstage.

After a day of rehearsals, Nate pauses to enjoy the best pizza in D.C. We are so grateful to Mady Hand's folks for bringing us such a delicious meal! (This snapshot captured Tommy saying "It's sooooooooo goooooooood!!!!!")

We ended the day with a play-through and some working notes. The door scene, which has eluded us for a long time finally snapped into focus tonight, becoming light and fun. Terrific work from Lauryn and Roysworth, with new energy from Maddy G as Luce, and we found a new rhythm for the scene. Were we inspired by the addition of helium balloons into the set? Could Be!

As part of strengthening the play, we have freed the actors to throw out old staging if they replace it with new moves. We know we can go back to the old work, but we learn a lot through our experiments. Today, this happened.

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